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subtle energy中文是什么意思

用"subtle energy"造句"subtle energy"怎么读"subtle energy" in a sentence


  • 灵量


  • Demonstration and practical work with the aura and subtle energies
  • Interpretation of the stations of the body chakras and subtle energy levels
  • Firstly you start feeling the cool breeze of the holy ghost on your fingertips , which represent the subtle energy centres
  • Colour and the trinity . aura - soma , colour and their parallel with homeopathic principles . aura - soma and the yogic view of subtle energies
  • The subtle energy enters through the center of the brain sahasrar brahmarandhra and precipitates six more centers on its way down
  • The gross manifestation of this subtle energy , in the sushumna channel of the spinal cord , is termed the parasympathetic nervous system
  • Secondly , when this power is awakened , it rises and passes through six subtle energy centres in your body , nourishing them and integrating them
  • The final three bodies have to do with even subtler energies that rule the workings of the highest level of the human soul . but these are not our concern right now
  • A : the human body has an information field magnetic field of subtle energy called the aura , or chi in oriental medicine . the information transmission systems between the cerebrum and each internal organ , etc . are included in the information field
  • Through continued practice while partners develop and master the tantric asanas ( postures ) and pranayamas ( breathing techniques ) , they tone and strengthen their respective subtle energy bodies and learn to harmonize the yin - yang forces within themselves and each other
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